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It’s Grants Month at Fairhive

Highlighting our grants for residents and local communities

The Thriving Communities Fund has provided funding for residents and community groups since the AVDC partnership in 2007, known as Community Chest. The Fund has now been our independent grant programme for five years. As we promote our 6th year in operation as the Thriving Communities Fund, we remain passionate about supporting local communities where we can and enriching the lives of our residents and their neighbourhoods. 

The fund is split into three main grants:

Springboard grants - Grants up to £300 for Fairhive residents to support with opportunities for well-being, education, training, or employment.

Microgrants - Grants up to £3,000 for voluntary and community-based organisations for relatively small projects within the local community. This can include the purchase of equipment, venue hire, or refurbishment costs.

Project grants - Grants up to £10,000 to provide funding for larger-scale initiatives within the local community.  This can be for the purchase of equipment, running costs, and larger community-based initiatives.

Keep an eye out throughout September on our Social Media channels for stories from those who we’ve supported!

How can I apply?

If you would like more information about grants available, visit our TCF page. Applications are welcomed by emailing our Grants Officer.

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